Alderan, Crane Warrior




Asura de Sarlath




Azael the Unfaithful




Banshees of Acheron




Black Paladins of Acheron




Black Wolf




Centaur Skeletons




Cerberus of Acheron




Chagall the Dog of Darkness




Chagall the Ever-Hungry




Dislodged Zombie

(Mail Order Only) 




Dwarf Zombies



Ejhin de Vanth




Emissary of Acheron

(Mail Order Only) 



Gargoyle of Acheron 1




Gargoyle of Acheron 2




Ghouls of Acheron 1




Ghouls of Acheron 2




Gravedigger of Salauel




Heavy Centaur of Acheron 1




Heavy Centaur of Acheron 2




Heavy Centaur of Acheron 3




Janos the Banished




Kain the Scourge



